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Mission Statement:

“The Purpose of the El Paso Christian Home Schoolers is to serve families by providing opportunities to glorify God through their participation in competitive sporting events.”
The El Paso Christian Home Schoolers was designed to offer home schooled students a place to play competitive, team sports in the SWCAA (South West Christian Athletic Association) and TAIAO (Texas Association of Independent Athletic Organizations). Our purpose is to allow participants the opportunity to develop their Christian character, athletic ability, physical strength, discipline and endurance; Organized practices will develop every child who attends, but outside practice time will benefit anyone wanting to play in the games. Our program is designed to be a winning program both physically and emotionally.
El Paso, Texas
Covering the East, West, Northeast of El Paso, and surrounding communities.

"Even though my kids are homeschooled, they love to compete in sports. The Panthers gave my family a chance to compete with other like minded families. We have never had a community like Panther nation! It's more than just a sport. It's family!"
- Keshia, Panther Mom & Coach


An explanation of what is expected at each level of play follows:

Elementary 3rd-5th grade:
Most players at this level will have had little or no experience. This is a developmental program meaning that basic skills will be covered thoroughly. The playing time for players is normally more equal at this level of play.

Middle School 6th-8th grade:
Most players at this level will have had some experience and/or have the desire to train and compete at a higher level. Although basic skills will be reinforced, this group will be trained at a higher level than the elementary teams. The playing time for this level will start to show inequality. Everyone will be allowed to play in the games, but the amount of time will be different for each player. Outside practice will be necessary for players who want to play in games.

Junior Varsity and Varsity 9th-12th grade:
This program is best for those athletes who want to train and compete at the highest level of local, state and national competition. Basic skills may be received, but the level of training is more intense. The level of commitment from the player is essential to their success in this program. Outside practice is mandatory for anyone wanting to compete at this level. Seniors are not guaranteed a starting position. Play time is based on their ability, attitude, commitment, and skill to help the team meet its goal.

“And whatever you do, whether in work or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Colossians 3:17


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