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Sponsors partner with the Panther program to meet the financial, spiritual, social, and psychological needs of kids in our community. Kids across our community are struggling with all kinds of pressure and stress as a result of lockdowns, sickness, rising crime rates and financial hardships. Inflation hurts everyone, especially those that rely on community involvement and support. The Panther program seeks to create a safe environment for homeschool kids of all ages to inspire and facilitate authentic community among kids and entire families across El Paso. Our programs teach self-discipline, teamwork, respect, hard work, and sacrifice. Our goal is to teach fundamental skills not only sports, but for life. Our desire is to partner with parents to help their kids reach their full potential. We are not just preparing kids to compete in athletics, but to compete in life. We are asking those who relate to and appreciate this type of mission and purpose to consider being a sponsor and partnering with the Panther program in order to serve the needs of our community.

Sponsorship Levels

  • Bronze Sponsor ($250 donation)
    ​In return for being a bronze sponsor, we will provide your company the following:

    • A Thank you card signed by all of our players and coaches.

    • Mention of your company’s Bronze sponsorship via our Facebook page and website.

  • Silver Sponsor ($500 donation)
    In return for being a silver sponsor, we will provide your company the following:

    • Includes Bronze benefits PLUS

    • Team photo to display in your place of business.

  • Gold Sponsor ($1,000 donation)
    In return for being a gold sponsor, we will provide the following:

    • Includes Silver benefits PLUS

    • Mention of your company’s Gold sponsorship over the announcements during our homecoming game.

    • Four complimentary tickets to our homecoming game.

  • Platinum Sponsor ($1,500 donation)
    In return for being a platinum sponsor, we will provide the following:​

    • Includes Gold benefits PLUS

    • Opportunity to sponsor uniforms for a specific sport with your name or logo on the uniform for 2 years.

Flag Football Sponsorships

Flag football allows kids to learn the skills, discipline and teamwork of football in a low -risk environment. The kids will work hard and see progress while learning to play as a team. 


We need 4 $500 Silver Sponsors to help fund this program.

Our competitive volleyball program strives to provide an opportunity where athletes can have fun, grow in their volleyball skills, and learn the valuable lessons that come with being part of a team.


We need 2 $1500 Platinum Sponsors to help fund this program.

Basketball gives kids of all ages the opportunity to work hard and see improvement, both in their athletic ability and their personal lives. Our coaches seek to instill principles that will serve these kids as they grow into productive members of society. All while learning more about Jesus and His purpose for their lives.


We need 2 $1000 Gold Sponsors to help fund this program.


Our sports fees include administrative expenses such as insurance, league fees, tax filing fees, etc. because we have no other way to cover these costs. If you would like to help cover these costs to lower athlete fees, this sponsorship is for you!


We need 2 $1500 Platinum Sponsors to help with administrative expenses.

Volleyball Sponsorships


2024 Sponsorships

Cordova Logo.png

Thank you to our Platinum Sponsor!

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